Strategy Surgery & Consulting engages thought-leaders, Chief Executive and other C-Suite officers, business leaders, and stakeholders in business through interviews. SS covers higher education, consumer products, automobiles, financial and banking services, and Internet & Information Technolgy to capture trends, analyses, perspectives, and news. As such, it provides important snapshots for corporations, guilds, governments, and other stakeholders in the business environment to help inform corporate and non-market strategy.


Corporate / Organizational Performance

Automation, Technology, & Sales from a Former Sales Expert at a Fortune 500 Company

marketing & sales automation

Data science and Automation with a Senior Program Manager at Amazon

data science and automation

Prerequisites of Implementing New Programs in Organizations, by Robert M. Learney, Ph.D. MRCS, of Digicatapult

Non-Profit Sector

The State of Journalism and Its Education in an Arab Institute

Academic Book Publishing and Distribution in Select Arab Countries

Snapshot of Pharmacy Sector in Jordan, 2020

Small Businesses & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship in Jordan and the Gulf Cooperation Council

Higher Education

A Look at How an Institute in Jordan Teaches Journalism and Media 

A SWOT Analysis of Social Sciences, Especially Sociology, in Select Arab Countries